Friday, June 12, 2009

Settling in to Maine

We have another grey and rainy day here in Machiasport. Looking at the forecast, we're going to have only 3 out of 10 that won't fit that bill in the next week and a half.

When we arrived here we put together several little clues and determined that one of our renters had lied and brought a cat to live in the house. Our first clue was an empty cat carrier left in the garage (where is the cat??), our 2nd clue was my inability to breathe the next morning, and our 3rd clue was cat food under a radiator. I can only hope that this tenant is also the one that left the antique suitcase full of their belongings in the garage, so that I can have the pleasure of delivering it to the landfill. So, yesterday involved massive amounts of laundry at the laundromat (pillows, comforters, etc), and we will continue vacuuming and mopping today to try and remove as much dander as we can.

The boys are having a great time. Quinn loves toddling all over the house and getting into Griffin's legos. Griffin is currently enjoying some of his old favorite shows on the Kids Canadian channel, and today he and Grampa are going to start building some model rockets to launch. Chris had to spend about half the day yesterday rewiring what the Time Warner guys had done, in order to get his internet connection up. He will be working today, but will take a con-call from the road so that we can make our weekly Friday trek up to Lubec for the best bread in the world. Diane is baking us a Tortanno, two baguettes, one fruit loaf and her new lavash crackers. Soup is definitely on the menu for dinner so that we can justify further bread consumption. To make a good thing better, Lubec also has a new knitting / spinning shop that opened as a spin-off (no pun intended) of Done Roving farm. AND they have two chocolate shops. Bread, chocolate, wool. What else could one want? :)

I'm still unpacking, I'll start uploading some photos tomorrow. We are in the dead center of Lupine season, they are everywhere and they are gorgeous.


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